Thursday, January 31, 2008


For those who understand this whole thing, I recently discovered that I'm a type 4 with a strong 5 wing. Ah yes, it all makes sense now.

Not that it can explain me at all of course, because I'm special and unique and can't be understood by anyone...;)


alicia.suarez said...

I always find it funny to look at what I'm not when scored by the tests. The Enneagram scores me as a 5 and 9, but my lowest scores were on 6 and 8, which basically means Im not loyal or challenging. If that doesn't make a girl feel good...

mr jones and me said...

no no no, it means you're not a rabid fascist. haha. nah, it just means you don't operate primarily out of those motivations. not that I'd know about anyone else because I'm self absorbed and depressive.

Anonymous said...

I'm a seven, so one blog entry is never enough. Are you going to chuck a party about your veggies? Can I come? Can I eat them all? Everything is soooooo wonderful!!! Give me more!!!!!
Yours chronically unsatisfied and annoyingly exuberant,

Anonymous said...

ah yes, sevens...I work with a couple of sevens, which means there's never a dull moment when they're around.