Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Feast of St Peter's Chair

This is essentially a celebration of the Pope (St Peter = the first Bishop of Rome = Pope; so those who sit in his chair are his successors) - so what does a Baptist minister do with the Feast of St Peter's Chair? Isn't the celebrating the Pope kind of wrong or something? ;) The story goes that Peter established the Antiochan church (celebrated today) and the Roman church (with Paul, celebrated January 18th).

I don't really know what to do with the whole Pope thing...I suppose then, the best way to celebrate today is celebrating church planters, as Peter was...that which, in all of us, finds and creates communities that embody Jesus Christ. That which is faithful to not just proclaiming but living out the good news of Jesus, that which brings all people together, that which offers hospitality to the stranger and healing to the broken. For church planters past and present, I am thankful; from St Peter and his mobs to Peter from Caroline Springs.

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